
Our team was challenged to boost Ecobiozon as a brand and a marketplace that aims to bring together sustainable producers and consumers on a single online platform.

A healthy and environmentally friendly marketplace

Focused on these values, we created a sustainable strategy from scratch.

A strategy aligned with the brand's objectives

Our agency's work focused on increasing awareness, brand authority and generating leads. A strategy was implemented in the following channels:


Social Media

Creation and promotion of the Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin pages through inspirational, educational and didactic content. The strategy we adopted sought to explore not only the advantages of the marketplace, but also useful content for the target audience.


Landing Page

A new channel that would open new opportunities to attract, in a differentiated way, sellers and end consumers interested in the project. Content was customized to segmented audiences.



Frequent updates for subscribers looking to learn more about the marketplace, sharing sustainability tips and future products/partners. With this channel, the relationship between Ecobiozon and its customers lasts over time.


Social Media advertising and Google Ads

Expanding the message and promoting the brand according to the stages of the marketing funnel - Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, and Loyalty.



Since March 2022, our team has achieved the brand's goals

United for a sustainable future

Managing Ecobiozon's social networks allows us to be united to this common good that, from post to post, also invites us to adopt a more conscious lifestyle.

We harness the power of social networks and awaken others to the urgency of saving the planet, shaping lifestyles. Besides numbers, this is also our job: to convey the brand's value and differentiate it.


What they say about us